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BGI’s Global Life Science Research Leadership Recognized in 2022 Nature Index

August 03, 2022 Views:

Shenzhen, August 3, 2022 – BGI’s leading global position in life science research has been recognized in the 2022 Nature Index. BGI rose two places to 8th in the world among corporate institutions for its contribution to life science research and was the only Chinese corporate among the top 10.  Within the Asia Pacific region BGI held the top spot among corporate institutions for life science research for the 7th consecutive year. BGI has held this position since Nature Index started including corporate research initiatives in 2015.

natureindex.pngnatureindex2.pngIn Nature Index 2022, BGI ranked 1st among life science corporations in Asia-Pacific and 8th in the world

Xu Xun, Director of BGI-Research, says: "While we are honored to be recognized by Nature Index, the ranking is only a result, not the goal of scientific researchers. Scientific research should benefit society and that involves transforming scientific research into industry breakthroughs.”


The Nature Index is a global indicator of high-quality research and tracks contributions to research articles published in 82 quality natural science journals, chosen based on reputation by an independent group of researchers. In 2021, the period covered by the 2022 Nature Index, BGI published 439 articles, including 41 articles in CNNS (Nature and its sub-journals, Science and its sub-journals, Cell and its sub-journals, and New England Journal of Medicine).


BGI has continued in its quest for research breakthroughs in 2022. In March, BGI in collaboration with other institutions successfully cultivated human totipotent stem cells through somatic cell induction, potentially leading to in vitro regeneration of human organs in the future. In April, another collaboration helped create the world's first non-human Primate whole-cell atlas provides assistance for disease diagnosis and treatment, targeted drug development, and offering the possibility for humans to better explore the evolution of life. Both research papers were published by Nature.


In May, BGI and other institutions, used BGI’s self-developed spatio-temporal omics Stereo-seq technology, to create spatio-temporal maps of embryonic development or organs of four model organisms for the first time, providing a new way for understanding organ structure, life development, human diseases and species evolution. These research papers were published by Cell and Developmental Cell as cover stories.



Read More: 2022 Nature Index