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BGI Group Statement

March 05, 2023 Views:

We are aware of, and disagree with, the decision of the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) under the U.S. Department of Commerce to include BGI Research, BGI Tech Solutions (Hongkong) Co., Ltd., and Forensic Genomics International on the Entity List.


Funded by BGI Group, BGI Research is a globally recognized scientific research organization. Forensic Genomics International is a subsidiary of BGI Group. BGI Tech Solutions (Hongkong) Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of BGI Genomics Co., Ltd., a publicly listed subsidiary of BGI Group.


We believe the BIS’s decision may have been impacted by misinformation and we are willing and able to clarify. BGI Group's work strictly abides by local, regional, and global moral and ethical standards, and adheres to all required laws and regulations. BGI Group does not condone and would never be involved in any human-rights abuses. None of BGI Group is state-owned or state-controlled, and all of BGI Group’s services and research are provided for civilian and scientific purposes.


An international leader in life sciences, BGI Group has helped communities globally in times of health crises, including during COVID-19. We believe in transparent, collaborative research and openly sharing results. This approach, carried out to global scientific and ethical standards, has underpinned our work since the Human Genome Project in 1999 and has led to major advances in life sciences as well as a better understanding of biodiversity and the world around us.


Open sharing of scientific tools and discoveries is crucial to providing the greatest benefits for all of humanity. We will continue to advocate for open and inclusive global scientific collaboration with the aim of fighting diseases more effectively and improving the health of mankind.