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Global Convergence at BGI International Summer Workshop and ICG-19 Youth Symposium: Exploring Astro-ecology, Biocomputing, and Biomanufacturing’s Impact on Genomics

August 13, 2024 Views:

The second BGI International Summer Workshop and the Youth Symposium of the 19th International Conference on Genomics (ICG-19 Youth Symposium), hosted by BGI College, recently took place in Shenzhen.

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Themed "Bio Revolution for a Sustainable Future," the symposium attracted over 300 scholars from 12 countries, including Germany, Serbia, Portugal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and China to participate in the symposium. Under the topics of "Astro-ecology," "Biocomputing," and "Biomanufacturing," 20 young scholars delivered speeches, and 44 presented their research through poster presentations.


At the opening ceremony of the symposium, Dr. Yang Huanming, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Co-founder and Member of the Board of Directors of BGI Group, and President of BGI College, delivered an inspiring opening remark. He encouraged young scientists to be brave in exploration and innovation, actively engage in scientific research, and contribute to the advancement of science and technology. Dr. Yang emphasized that young generation of scholars should enhance their research capabilities, embrace international cutting-edge developments, and propose new ideas and methods despite challenges. 

图片 2.jpgDr. Yang Huanming, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Co-founder and Member of the Board of Directors of BGI Group and Director of BGI College, delivering an opening remark titled “What is life? - Milestones in the Quest for Life”.

This year’s symposium introduced a new master class of career development. Dr. Yin Ye, CEO and Executive Director of BGI Group, and Zhou Hongling, Editorial Director of GigaScience Press, gave lectures on communication skills and academic publishing, offering guidance and inspiration for young scholars who are about to start their academic careers.

图片 3.jpgDr. Yin Ye, CEO and Executive Director of BGI Group, giving a lecture in the career development master class.

Academic Sessions


The symposium featured three main academic themes, showcasing the potential of omics technologies and the importance of interdisciplinary research in tackling global challenges:


Astro-ecology: Professor Liu Zhu from Tsinghua University and Assistant Professor Marta Filipa Simões from Macau University of Science and Technology discussed the key role of integration of physics and biology played in the search for life in the universe. 

图片 6.jpgDr. Liu Zhu, Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences, Tsinghua University, presenting a science report “Life Beyond Earth: An Experimental Perspective.”

图片 7.jpgDr. Marta Filipa Simões, Assistant Professor, Macau University of Science and Technology, presenting a science report “Fungi in Space Missions – Boon or Bane.”

Biocomputing: Associate Professor Chen Kaikai from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Associate Professor Wang Xin from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, shared insights into the design of new computer systems using unique biological features and principles.

图片 8.jpgDr. Chen Kaikai, Associate Professor, School of Nanoscience and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, presenting a science report “Information Storage and Computing Based on Nanopore and DNA Nanotechnology.”

Biomanufacturing: The symposium invited three researchers for the discussion of this topic - Research group leader Dr. Daniel Schindler and Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Luo Shanshan from the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, along with Associate Researcher Dr. Jiang Shuangying from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Their presentations highlighted advancements in biomanufacturing processes.

图片 10.jpgDr. Daniel Schindler, Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Germany, presenting a science report “The Role and Future of Synthetic Biology and Microbes in Biomanufacturing.”

Enthusiastic Participation and Innovative Ideas


The symposium witnessed active participation from young scholars who discussed possibilities for a sustainable future, academic frontiers, and research progress. They proposed innovative research ideas and methods, drawing inspiration from the interdisciplinary integration emphasized throughout the symposium. The career development master classes further equipped young scholars with professional skills and confidence for their academic journeys.

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Interdisciplinary Integration and Innovation


The symposium encouraged the discussion on the interdisciplinary integration of astro-ecology, biocomputing, and biomanufacturing. Such integration broadened research perspectives and encouraged scholars to explore new research paths. 


At the closing ceremony, Xiao Minfeng, Vice Dean of BGI College thanked all participants for sharing their research findings. The symposium not only facilitated the exchange of innovative ideas but also demonstrated the global scientific community’s outlook for the future of humanity.

pic(3).jpgDr. Xiao Minfeng, Vice Dean of BGI College, delivering a closing remark.

As a borderless platform for young scholars to exchange ideas, gain insights, and build professional networks, the second BGI International Summer Workshop and the ICG-19 Youth Symposium marks another step in fostering young talent in genomics and interdisciplinary research. The spark from such exchanges will spread new knowledge, inspiration, and a renewed commitment to advancing science for a sustainable future.